Every restaurant is concerned about earning more. There are a number of ways to save money or increase revenues by better coordinating a restaurant’s kitchen work, having good deals with food suppliers, or by taking up a strong marketing strategy. However, there are some techniques for maximizing a restaurant’s revenues by 50% – in the easiest way!
6 Easy Ways to Earn More in Your Restaurant Business
- Create an Opportunity to Book Online. Most people prefer to take the easy route, so a contemporary restaurant should provide an opportunity to book tables online, at any time within 24 hours. All the web-based channels should be user-friendly and comfortable, allowing users to make reservations even when the place is closed. During early morning, afternoon, or in the middle of the night, the restaurant’s website and social networks should work to increase the restaurant’s bookings. By using Tablein reservation software, you can integrate your widget on Facebook, Twitter, or other channels with just a few clicks.
- Set the Average Time Intervals for Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner. You can start calculating time intervals; estimate how long taking an order requires, the time needed to prepare the meal in the kitchen, and the average time it takes for your customers to finish their meals. In doing so, you can better manage your resources and reservations. It helps to arrange special time templates for the day. For example, at lunchtime, your customer spends about 45 minutes eating, but at dinner time, they spend more than an hour and 30 minutes.
- Use Special Templates. All the restaurants have their most popular times during a day. For example, most clients want to visit your place at 7 pm, so you might have one or, at maximum, one and a half turns per evening. Also, lunch service at the restaurant runs from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm, so if accepting the bookings every hour, you may have one or two reservations per table. Thus, time gaps are formed, and tables are standing empty. By using so-called time templates, you can schedule reservation times to obtain double turns. When adding these templates, you can book tables cleverly to get more covers and allow clients to reserve at more flexible times, like at 6:15, 6:30, and 6:45 pm – not just 6 pm and 7 pm. Such management can double your restaurant’s coverage at busy times. Finally, the kitchen load is decreased, as clients come at split times, and there’s no need for extra staff during the busiest hours. Such time management could be achieved, and number of reservations increased by using an online reservation system, such as Tablein.
- Control All the Tables in the Room. If you use an online reservation system, you can control the tables on a visual restaurant floor plan or calendar view. The reservations are assigned to the tables automatically, so it is easy to manage all the online bookings, as well as walk-ins as extra reservations. This helps not only for seeing all the possible gaps between your bookings but avoiding human mistakes too.
- Have a Clear Protocol. The guest shouldn‘t feel pressured or limited in their dining experience. It is, therefore, important to have a policy established in the event a customer wishes to stay longer at their table. So, you must clarify the booking time interval in a confirmation email and have an alternate table open which has been vacated earlier than expected.
- Fill Slow Hours Efficiently. Also, you can double reservations during slow hours. To fill more tables, you can start sending special offers and some freebies for clients who come in at low times. It is easy to set up and schedule on Tablein, in their Offers tab. Using an online reservation system, you can propose free dessert and coffee for other orders, adding this information into an online widget, as well as in emails and social media channels. Of course, you should experiment with different days and proposals, such as discounts, extra options, or price differences, so as to find your own key to sales.
Encouraged to try out new business paths for your restaurant? Register and start using Tablein reservation management functions, so convenient both for your business and your diners.
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